Whether you are an established wholesaler or an individual looking to kick off into the world of retail, an ecommerce store can be a lucrative string to your merchant bow. The web is one of the cheapest places to set up shop and has the ability to reach the widest audience and potential customer base. If you’re not already selling online, why not? And if you are, could you be doing it better? Sleeptwitch are able to offer all the core functionality of an online store from the shopping basket and wish list, to categories and individual product pages. In addition we build in trackable stock levels, product attributes and auto-generated delivery labels and returns forms.
On top of all your key functionality all our stores come with an optional responsive upgrade. What’s responsive? I hear you say. With an ever growing percentage of people accessing the Internet via portable devices, be it a smartphone or tablet, it is important that a site retains a high user experience for these users as well as those browsing on desktop computers. Responsive techniques allow the layout of your site to shift and adapt to the device from which it is being viewed. Forget pinching and zooming, your site will be optimized perfectly to suit the user, in turn increasing the browsing user experience and ultimately maximising potential sales.